Colony insurance company loss runs lake mary florida

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All claims are handled promptly and comply with the insurance industry’s best practices. To fulfill our promise of high-quality claims service, we recommend policyholders and retail agents or brokers report claims to their general wholesaler. In most cases, our policyholders will be contacted within 24 hours of Colony Specialty’s first notice of a claim.

How to Report a Claim

A claim can be reported by phone, email or fax using the contact information below:

Claims customer service (all claims): 833-240-4128

Claims electronic reporting: [email protected]

Claims fax number: 303-773-7373

Primary mailing address

Colony Specialty
P.O. Box 469012
San Antonio, TX 78246


Non-Appointed Brokers / INSUREDS:

Submit the Loss Run request on the insured’s letterhead.

Appointed Brokers:

Please log in with your Colony Specialty login credentials.

Additional Info

For more information on our products and services, please contact our marketing department:

Mailing address:
P.O. Box 469012
San Antonio, TX 78246

All claims
All claims email

Loss Runs
Loss runs email