The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) values the input we receive from DHS employees, contractors, and members of the public, and welcomes your comments and concerns regarding our employees and contract staff. Complaints are handled and investigated by DHS CISA Office of Compliance and Security or the DHS Office of the Inspector General (DHS-OIG). Upon receipt of a complaint or allegation, CISA or DHS-OIG will impartially investigate complaints involving its employees and contractors. Complaints can be anonymous or made on behalf of other individuals. COMPLAINTS CAN BE ANONYMOUS OR MADE ON BEHALF OF OTHER INDIVIDUALS
To help DHS gather the facts involved as accurately as possible, please include the following information in your correspondence:
*Individuals wishing to remain anonymous may omit this information.
To report an allegation, please refer to the information below to contact the DHS Office of the Inspector General or NPPD Office of Compliance and Security online or by phone, fax, or mail.
ATTN: Office of Investigations - Hotline
245 Murray Lane, SW, Mail Stop 0305
Washington, DC 20528-0305