Benefits of Strenuous Exercise and How to Add It to Your Workout

A woman in workout gear does strenuous exercise by running up outdoor stairs.

Whether you’ve hit a workout plateau or you’re just ready to turn things up a notch, adding more strenuous exercise — also known as high-intensity exercise — to your overall fitness routine is one way to increase your calorie burn, improve your heart health, and boost your metabolism.

However, to do it safely and effectively, there are some guidelines you should follow. Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of vigorous exercise and how to safely dial up the intensity of your workouts.

When it comes to exercise, the intensity of how hard you work out is just as important as the duration of your exercise session. In general, exercise intensity is divided into three categories:

For an activity to be vigorous, you need to work at 70 to 85 percent of your maximum heart rate, according to the American Heart Association . Examples of vigorous exercise include:

Low to moderate exercise is easier to sustain for longer periods since you work below 70 percent of your maximum heart rate and, sometimes, well below that level.

To reap health benefits, the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans recommends that people age 18 and older get one of the following:

Increasing your exercise intensity is fairly simple to do. You can still participate in your favorite activities — just at a more vigorous pace.

One of the benefits of more strenuous exercise is that you can reap the same rewards as moderate-intensity exercise but in less time. So, if time is of the essence, doing a more strenuous 20-minute workout can be just as beneficial as doing a slower 40-minute workout session.

Moderate intensityStrenuous intensity
bicycling at less than 10 mphbicycling at more than 10 mph
walking brisklyrunning, or hiking uphill at a steady pace
jog-walk intervalswater jogging/running
shooting baskets in basketballplaying a basketball game
playing doubles tennisplaying singles tennis
raking leaves or mowing the lawnshoveling more than 10 lbs. per minute, digging ditches
walking stairsrunning stairs

Besides being more efficient, turning up the heat on your fitness sessions can benefit your health in a variety of ways. Let’s take a closer look at some of the evidence-based benefits of a higher intensity workout.